DevOps Engineer Masters Program

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Enroll now to become a Certified DevOps expert with CertZip DevOps Masters Program and upgrade your skills.

Course Description for DevOps Engineer Masters Program

DevOps Engineer Masters Program helps you become skilled in DevOps principles like CI/CD, Continuous Monitoring, and Continuous Delivery, utilizing tools like Puppet, Nagios, Chef, Docker, Git & Jenkins.

This DevOps Engineer master's program helps you gain valuable skills like Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Delivery, and hands-on experience with DevOps tools like Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Puppet, and more.

The learning of DevOps helps reduce the time for development cycles and ensures a faster rate of innovation. If the functions and development groups are in various silos, it will be challenging to determine whether the application is prepared for operation.

There are no prerequisites for enrollment in the Masters's Program.

experienced professional working in the IT industry, Administrator , an aspirant preparing to enter the world of DevOps

DevOps Engineer operates with developers and the IT staff to oversee the code releases. They are either developers interested in deployment and network operations or sysadmins who have a passion for scripting and coding and move into the development side, where they can enhance the planning of tests and deployment.

Understanding customer requirements and project KPIs. Executing further development, testing, automation tools, and IT infrastructure. Preparing the team structure, activities, and involvement in project management activities.

As companies are digitized, the demand for DevOps has grown at a remarkable rate. The future of IT companies is now hanging on the DevOps approach, making it the most demanding job. The market has grown from 40 to 45 percent within the last five years, increasing the demand for DevOps.

DevOps is important because it's a software development and operations approach that enables faster development of new products and easier maintenance of existing deployments.

What you'll learn in DevOps Engineer Masters Program

  • In this course, you will learn: DevOps principles using tools like Puppet, Nagios, Chef, Docker, Git & Jenkins Linux, Python, Docker, AWS DevOps, Splunk

Requirements of DevOps Engineer Masters Program

  • There are requirements for learning this course.

Curriculam of DevOps Engineer Masters Program

This Module will teach Linux distribution, shell scripting, basic and advanced Linux commands, and package management.

This Module will teach about various software development tools available on Linux.

know about Linux security administration and Virtualization.

Know what Python is and touch on the basics.

Overview of Python,
The Companies using Python,
Other applications in which Python is used,
Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows,
Operands and Expressions,
Conditional Statements,
Command Line Arguments,
Writing to the screen,
Creating "Hello World" code,
Demonstrating Conditional Statements,
Demonstrating Loops

Learn different types of sequence structures, related operations, and their usage.

Python files I/O Functions,
Lists and related operations,
Tuples and related operations,
Strings and related operations,
Sets and related operations,
Dictionaries and related operations,
Tuple - properties, related operations, compared with a list,
List - properties, related operations,
Dictionary - properties, related operations,
Set - properties, related operations

learn how to make generic python scripts, how to address errors/exceptions in code, and finally, how to extract/filter content utilizing regex.

Function Parameters,
Global variables,
Variable scope and Returning Values,
Lambda Functions,
Object-Oriented Concepts,
Standard Libraries,
Modules Used in Python (OS, Sys, Date and Time, etc.),
The Import statements,
Module search path,
Package installation ways,
Errors and Exception Handling,
Handling multiple exceptions,
Functions - syntax, arguments, keyword arguments, return values,
Lambda - features, syntax, options, compared with the functions,
Sorting - sequences, dictionaries, limitations of sorting,
Errors and exceptions - types of issues, remediation,
Packages and modules - modules, import options, sys path

This Module helps you get familiar with the basics of statistics, different measures and probability distributions, and the supporting libraries in Python that assist in these operations.

NumPy - arrays
Operations on arrays
Indexing, slicing and iterating
Reading and writing arrays on files
Pandas - data structures & index operations
Reading and Documenting data from Excel/CSV formats into Pandas
NumPy library- Installation, Creating NumPy array, operations performed on NumPy array
Pandas library- Installation, creating series and data frames, Importing and exporting data

learn in detail about data visualization

matplotlib library
Grids, axes, plots
Markers, colors, fonts, and styling
Types of plots - bar graphs, pie charts, histograms
Contour plots
Matplotlib - Installation, Using Scatterplot, histogram, bar graph, a pie chart to show information, Styling of Plot

Learn the DevOps environment.

Introduction to DevOps,
Benefits of working in a DevOps environment,
DevOps Lifecycle,
DevOps Stages,
DevOps Delivery Pipeline

Know Source Control Management and learn the functionalities of Git.

Version Control Preview,
Git Introduction Preview,
Git Installation,
Commonly used commands in Git,
Working with Remote repository,
Git Common Commands,
Working with Remote Repository

In this Module, you will learn about the different actions performed through Git and be introduced to Jenkins and Maven.

Branching and merging in Git Preview,
Merge Conflicts,
Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting, and Resetting,
Git Workflows,
Introduction to Maven,
Maven Architecture,
Introduction to Continuous Integration,
Introduction to Jenkins Preview,
Branching and Merging,
Merge Conflicts,
Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting, and Resetting,
Configuring Maven

In this Module, learn how to perform Continuous Integration by building applications with the help of Maven and create deployment pipelines using Jenkins.

Jenkins Architecture,
Plugin Management in Jenkins Preview,
Jenkins Security Management,
Notification in Jenkins,
Jenkins Master-slave architecture,
Jenkins Delivery Pipeline,
Jenkins Declarative pipeline,
Create pipeline view using DevCompile and QAUnitTest,
Adding Agent node in Jenkins,
Build Pipeline project using Groovy script

Learn how to manage and configure your infrastructure using Ansible Ad-Hoc commands, Playbooks, and Roles.

Introduction to Configuration Management
Infrastructure as Code,
Introduction to Ansible,
Ansible Architecture,
Inventory Management,
Ansible Modules,
AD-HOC Commands,
Ansible Playbooks Preview,
Ansible Roles,
Ad-Hoc Commands,
Running a Simple Playbook,
Using Variables and handlers,
Using Ansible Roles

Know the core concepts and technology behind Docker.

Containerization Preview,
Docker Architecture,
Container Lifecycle,
Docker CLI,
Port Binding,
Detached and Foreground Mode,
Dockerfile Instructions,
Docker Image,
Docker CLI Commands,
Port Binding,
Starting Containers in Different Modes,
Writing a Dockerfile to Create an Image

Learn how to use the Docker Hub registry, deploy a multi-tier application using Docker Compose, and create a swarm cluster.

Docker Registry,
Container Storage,
Docker Compose,
Docker Swarm Preview,
Setting up Docker Hub,
Docker Volumes,
Installing Docker Compose,
Installing a Multi-Container Application using Compose,
Running Docker in Swarm Mode

In this Module, you will learn about Container Orchestration and Basic container management using Kubernetes.

Introduction to Container Orchestration,
Kubernetes Core Concepts,
Understanding Pods,
ReplicaSet and Replication Controller,
Deployments Preview,
Rolling Updates and Rollbacks,
Scaling Application,
Kubectl Common Commands,
Rolling-update and Rollbacks,
Scaling in Kubernetes

Discover and deploy various service discovery mechanisms, utilize Volumes for persistent storage and deploy StatefulSets for stateful applications.

Persistent Storage in Kubernetes,
Primitives for PersistentVolumeClaims,
Secrets and ConfigMaps,
Headless Services,
Helm Charts,
Deploying Services,
Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims, StatefulSets,
ConfigMaps and Secrets,
Helm Charts

Know how to collect, monitor, and visualize data utilizing Prometheus and Grafana.

Introduction to Prometheus and Grafana
Prometheus and Grafana Setup
Monitoring using Prometheus
Dashboard Visualization using Grafana
Creating a Dashboard to monitor the Pipeline
Monitoring Service using Prometheus
Alerting using Prometheus
Grafana Dashboards
Monitoring a Pipeline

Learn how to provision and manage infrastructure on a Cloud Platform (AWS) utilizing Terraform Configuration Files.

Introduction to Terraform,
Terraform vs Ansible,
Terraform Architecture,
Terraform Configuration,
Terraform Common Commands,
Managing Terraform Resources,
Setting Up AWS and Terraform,
Executing a Terraform Configuration,
Managing Terraform Resources,
Referencing Terraform Resources

Utilize Terraform State commands to manage the current state of your infrastructure. Deploy a usable and working infrastructure operating Terraform.

Terraform State,
Terraform Project,
Terraform State Commands,
Terraform Project

This Module will teach you about Selenium and how to automate your test cases for testing web elements. You will also get introduced to X-Path, TestNG, and integrate Selenium with Jenkins.

Introduction to Selenium,
Why Selenium?
Selenium – Webdriver Preview,
Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver (Waits),
What and why X-Path,
Handling different controls on Webpage,
Framework in Selenium,
Selenium Integration with Jenkins,
Implementation of Selenium in the Edtia's Project,
Installing Selenium,
Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver,
Integrating Selenium with Jenkins

Learn how to monitor your tasks using various plugins continuously and implementing Nagios Commands

Introduction to Continuous Monitoring,
Introduction to Nagios,
Installing Nagios Preview,
Nagios Plugins(NRPE) and Objects,
Nagios Commands and Notification,
Installing Nagios,
Monitoring of different servers using Nagios

Learn about various cloud services and service providers and get a brief idea of how to implement DevOps using AWS.

Why Cloud?
Introduction to Cloud Computing Preview
Why DevOps on Cloud?
Introduction to AWS
Various AWS services
DevOps using AWS

Learn Security and EC2 Compute service works in AWS Cloud.

Amazon Web Services (AWS),
Benefits of AWS,
AWS Global Infrastructure,
Components of IAM,
Managing users with IAM,
Amazon Machine Image (AMI),
Security Groups in AWS,
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Its Benefits,
Networking components associated with EC2,
Instance Store,
Signing up for a Free Tier Account with AWS,
Making New Users Log in to AWS Management Console,
Creating Policies for New Users to Have All Admin or Limited Privileges,
Different Approaches to connecting to an EC2 instance,
Creating a Custom AMI,
Host your Website Inside your EC2 Instance,
To Attach EFS Volume to an EC2 Instance,
Login to AWS Console via MFA

understand the origins and the need for Containerization in modern applications. Know how Docker emerged as one of the best container platforms in the industry and about the technology behind it.

History of Containers,
Namespaces and Cgroups,
Containers vs. Virtual Machines,
Types of Containers,
Introduction to Docker,
Docker Architecture,
Container Lifecycle,
Docker CE vs. Docker EE

Learn to set up the Docker Engine on Google Compute Engine Instance and perform various operations on Containers.

Docker Engine,
Configuring Logging Drivers,
Docker Terminology,
Port Binding,
Detached vs. Foreground Mode,
Docker CLI,
Docker Exec,
Restart Policy,
Setting up Docker Engine,
Upgrading Docker Engine,
Setting up logging drivers in Docker,
Port Binding,
Starting Containers in different modes,
Docker CLI Commands,
Docker Exec Commands,
Restart Policy in Docker,
Removing Containers

Discover how to write a Dockerfile and create custom images by building the Dockerfile. Build and manage a remote registry to store your custom images

Dockerfile Instructions,
Build Context,
Docker Image,
Docker Registry,
Write a Dockerfile to create an Image,
Docker Image Tags,
Setting up Docker Hub,
Configuring Local Registry,
Removing Images from the Registry

Make persistent storage solutions for stateful containerized applications. Use various methods for storing container data and perform image cleanup for optimization.

Docker Storage,
Types of Persistent Storage,
Bind Mounts,
tmpfs Mount,
Storage Drivers,
Device Mapper,
Docker Clean Up,
Deploy Docker Volumes,
Deploy Bind Mounts,
Use tmpfs mounts,
Configure Device Mapper,
Docker Clean Up

Design and run multi-container applications utilizing Docker Compose and manage clusters of Docker nodes operating Docker Swarm.

Docker Compose,
Docker Swarm,
Docker Service,
Service Placement,
Rolling Update and Rollback,
Docker Stack,
Deploy a Multi-container Application using Compose,
Running Docker in Swarm mode,
Deploying a Service in Swarm,
Scale Services,
Service Placement,
Rolling Updates and Rollbacks,
Docker Stack

Configure Docker network utilizing various built-in network drivers such as a Network Bridge and Overlay Network. Secure your environment by authenticating images utilizing Docker Content Trust.

Docker Networking,
Network Drivers,
Bridge Network,
Overlay Network,
Host and Macvlan,
Docker Security,
Docker Content Trust,
Securing the Docker Daemon,
Create and use a User-defined Bridge Network,
Create and use an Overlay Network,
Use Host and Macvlan Network,
Configure Docker to use External DNS,
Signing images using DCT,
Securing the Docker Daemon

Learn to Install and configure Docker Enterprise Edition and use the Universal Control Plane and the Docker Trusted Registry in your enterprise cluster.

Docker Enterprise,
Universal Control Plane (UCP),
UCP Architecture,
Access Control in UCP,
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR),
Monitoring using Prometheus,
Set up Docker Enterprise Edition,
Install UCP,
Access Control using UCP,
Installing DTR,
Using DTR for Image Storage,
Monitoring using Prometheus

Learn about container orchestration engine Kubernetes and its various services to help orchestrate Docker containers.

Kubernetes Core Concepts,
Kubernetes Common Commands,
Labels, Selectors, and Annotations,
Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims,
Storage Classes,
Setup Kubernetes cluster using GKE,
Kubectl Common Commands,
Deploy a Pod,
Use a Deployment for pod management,
Deploy different Services,
Use Persistent Storage in Kubernetes,
Use Storage Classes

In this Module, you will be introduced to essential aspects of DevOps and Amazon Web Services.

Understanding DevOps and its lifecycle,
Why DevOps on Cloud?
Introduction to AWS,
DevOps using AWS,
Security Management - IAM (Identity and Access Management), WAF (Web Application Firewall), AWS Shield, Guard Duty,
Trusted Advisor,
Governance Strategies,
Designing Policies for a new user to have all Admin Or Limited Privileges,
Login to AWS Management Console via MFA,
Trusted Advisor,
Enabling Governance using AWS Config,
Set Alerts and Budget for your AWS Account

learn how to automate Software Development Lifecycle utilizing different AWS development tools.

AWS CodeStar,
Working of Code Commit,
Deploy an application using Codepipeline

introduction to essential aspects of CloudFormation.

Introduction to CloudFormation,
CloudFormation Template,
Intrinsic Functions & Conditions,
Stack Creation,
Advanced CloudFormation Concepts - CloudFormation Nesting, CloudFormation Wait Conditions & Wait for Condition Handlers, CloudFormation Helper Scripts, CloudFormation Custom Resources
CloudFormation Stack Updates,
CloudFormation Resource Deletion Policy,
CloudFormation Best Practices,
Making an S3 Bucket utilizing CloudFormation by Hardcoding the Name,
Building an S3 Bucket utilizing Intrinsic Function (Join And Ref),
Creating and Configuring EC2 Instance utilizing Helper Scripts,
Making a Custom Resource with the help of Lambda Function

learn various aspects of Elastic Beanstalk and how to deploy and monitor your application in Beanstalk.

Introduction to Elastic Beanstalk,
Components of Beanstalk,
Deployment Option,
Platform Updates,
Docker in Elastic Beanstalk,
Extending Beanstalk using extensions,
Alarms and Notification,
Deploy a Web application with DynamoDB using Beanstalk,
Deploy an application in Beanstalk using Docker,
Immutable deployment of the application in Beanstalk,,
Creating cron-job on beanstalk instances using .ebextensions

know the nitty-gritty of AWS OpsWorks and learn how to make stacks and manage configuration with AWS OpsWorks.

Introduction to OpsWorks,
Components of OpsWorks,
Cookbooks, Recipes, Data bags and Berkshelf,
OpsWorks Lifecycle Events,
OpsWorks Deployment,
OpsWorks Auto-Healing,
Deploy an application in OpsWorks Stack,
Integration of CloudFormation with OpsWorks

understand how to execute the concepts of continuous monitoring and management using CloudWatch and CloudTrail, and learn to set up event-driven automated actions.

Introduction to CloudWatch,
CloudWatch Metrics: EC2, ELB, and Auto Scaling metrics,
Custom Metrics,
CloudWatch Alarms,
CloudWatch Agent,
CloudWatch Logs,
Introduction to CloudTrail,
System Manager,
Concepts needed to set up event-driven automated actions - Lambda, SNS, Autoscaling,
Configure Amazon CloudWatch to Notify when CPU Utilization of an Instance is greater than 85%,
Enable CloudTrail and store Logs in S3

learn how to execute highly functional and fault-tolerant systems. Also, know Disaster recovery strategies that effectively make your system resilient at any point of failure.

Elastic IP,
Multi-region and multi AZs,
Data Management in Amazon RDS,
Dynamo DB,
Provisioning elasticity using Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling,
Components of Auto Scaling,
Horizontal and vertical scaling,
Auto-Scaling Lifecycle,
Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective,
Disaster Recovery Options,
Overcome Single Point of Failure,
Working on Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling to support highly available and fault-tolerant system

This Module will teach container management tools like Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Elastic Container Service (ECS), and Fargate.

Elastic Container Service,
Amazon ECR,
Select a Launch type for your application,
ECS with EC2,
ECS with Fargate,
To Push An Image Into ECR,
host a website inside ECS utilizing Fargate launch type

This section focuses on exam questionnaires and guidance on preparing for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Exam.

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Exam Guide,
Certification Exam Questionnaires

understand its challenges and how Splunk can be leveraged to gain Operational Intelligence. Get introduced to various components of Splunk and how they can be installed.

What is Machine Data & its challenges?
Need for Splunk and its features,
Splunk Products and their Use-Case,
Download and Install Splunk,
Splunk Components: Search Head, Indexer, Forwarder, Deployment Server, & License Master ,
Splunk Architecture,
Splunk Licensing options,
Setting up Splunk Enterprise environment,
Setting up Search Heads, Indexer, Heavy, and Universal Forwarders

learn how to make and manage users, understand the Splunk Admin role and responsibilities, and the architecture of Splunk Index.

Introduction to Authentication techniques,
User Creation and Management,
Splunk Admin Role & Responsibilities,
Data Ageing,
Introduction to Splunk configuration files (7),
Managing the. conf files,
Creating and Managing users,
Manage and Modify the Configuration files,
Create an index using the indexes.conf file with various retention periods and other functionalities of buckets

Learn the various Splunk Data onboarding procedures and question that data with basic and advanced Splunk commands. Use various keywords to search and filter the Indexed data based on the requirements.

Understand the different data onboarding techniques: -
Via flat files
Via UF (Universal Forwarder)
Execute Basic search commands in Splunk: - Fields, Table, Sort, Rename, Search
Comprehend the usage of time ranges while searching
Learn Reporting & Transforming commands in Splunk: - Top, Rare, Stats, Chart, Timechart, Dedup, Rex
Data onboarding through Universal forwarder and flat files
Basic and advanced Splunk search commands
Comprehend the usage of time ranges while searching

Learn about fields and ways to extract them.

Splunk Knowledge
Categories of Splunk Knowledge
Field extraction
Event types
Use the following Knowledge objects: Field extractions, Event types, Transactions

In this Module, you will learn to create and define Lookups, create Tags to use in search, and create and manage Field aliases and Data Models.

What are lookups?
Defining a lookup,
Configuring an automatic lookup,
Operating the lookup in searches and reports,
Workflow action,
Creating and managing tags,
Defining and searching field aliases,
Overview of Data Model,
Use the Lookup dashboard,
Use the following Knowledge objects: Tags, Field aliases

learn to schedule alerts, create Reports and Dashboards, and create different visualizations.

Create Alerts triggered on certain conditions ,
Different Splunk Visualizations,
Create Reports with search results,
Build Dashboards with different Charts and other visualizations,
Set permissions for Reports and Dashboard,
Make Reports and schedule them using cron schedule,
Share Dashboard with other teams,
Scheduling alerts,
Create Splunk Reports,
Build a Dashboard with various Charts and Graphs

Learn how to set up a Cluster of Splunk instances. Execute both Search Head clustering and Indexer clustering in this Module.

Install Splunk on Linux OS,
Utilize the frequently employed Splunk CLI commands,
Understand the best practices while setting up a Clustering environment,
Splunk Clustering,
Implement Search Head Clustering,
Implement Indexer Clustering,
Deploy an App on the Search Head cluster,
Configuring Splunk instances via Linux CLI,
Clustering techniques,
Search Hear clustering,
Indexer Clustering ,
Deploying Apps and configurations using the Deployment server

In this final module, you will be presented with different Use cases, and you will have to solve each of those scenarios. Besides that, you will also function on a specific project dealing with solving a real-time scenario.

FAQ for DevOps Engineer Masters Program

The average salary for a DevOps Engineer in the US is $126,301.

Fast & frequent delivery. Reliability. Scale with minimum risks. Security. Continuous Integration. Continuous Delivery. Reduced time to recovery & reduced bottlenecks.

To better understand the DevOps Engineer Masters Program Certification Training, one must learn as per the curriculum.

DevOps is easy to learn but not always quick to master because it needs attitude and behavior changes.

DevOps is important because it's a software development and operations approach that enables faster development of new products and easier maintenance of existing deployments.

Coding and scripting are two necessary skillsets that DevOps engineers should possess. Python, Ruby, Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, Bash, Shell, and Node. Js are among the most recommended programming/scripting languages.

By enrolling in the DevOps Engineer Masters Program Training and completing the Module, you can get the CertZip DevOps Engineer Masters Program Certification.

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Training Course Features


Every certification training session is followed by a quiz to assess your course learning.

Mock Tests
Mock Tests

The Mock Tests Are Arranged To Help You Prepare For The Certification Examination.

Lifetime Access
Lifetime Access

A lifetime access to LMS is provided where presentations, quizzes, installation guides & class recordings are available.

24x7 Expert Support
24x7 Expert Support

A 24x7 online support team is available to resolve all your technical queries, through a ticket-based tracking system.


For our learners, we have a community forum that further facilitates learning through peer interaction and knowledge sharing.


Successfully complete your final course project and CertZip will provide you with a completion certification.

DevOps Engineer Masters Program

A DevOps Engineer Masters Program Training is a certification that demonstrates that the holder has the proficiency and aptitudes needed to work with DevOps.

DevOps Engineer Masters Program has been curated after thorough research and recommendations from industry experts. It will help you differentiate yourself with multi-platform fluency and have real-world experience with the essential tools and platforms. Edureka will be by your side throughout the learning journey - We're Ridiculously Committed.

Yes, We will provide you with the certificate of completion for every course part of the learning pathway. Once you have successfully submitted the final assessment and our subject matter experts verified it.

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A Alexander
H Harry Torres
S Stella
J Jarrell
J James
F Freddie
S Savvas
D David

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